Facial Spider Veins Treatment
Madison & Jackson MS
Facial Thread Vein Removal
Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia in medical terms, are small, distended blood vessels that are found just beneath the epidermal layer of the skin, making them clearly visible.
These dilated veins are categorized into 3 main types: the main feeder vein, arborizing vessels, and reticular vessels.
The main feeder vessel of spider veins is the central point from which smaller vessels radiate. This typical feature of spider veins is often caused by trauma.
Arborizing vessels are the smaller veins that either emanate from the central feeder vein and spreads out like a spider web or appear as an independent network of fine lines. Heredity, hormonal changes, adult acne, rosacea, and sun damage can also cause spider veins.
Reticular veins are large, dilated veins generally seen as dark blue vessels around the eyes or on the cheeks.
These main classifications of spider veins are usually indicated for Facial Spider Vein Removal.
What are MS Vein’s facial spider veins treatment options?
MS Vein offers several treatment options for your facial spider veins using state-of-the-art equipment designed to give you the best possible results.
The Versapulse Laser is a unique green light laser that coagulates facial spider veins, treats rosacea and broken facial capillaries. It produces short pulses of green light, which can feel like a rubber band’s snap on the skin but does not leave any bruises or permanent discoloration. The small light pulses, usually ranging from 3 to 10 mm, are overwhelmingly effective.
The Vbeam Pulsed Dye Laser is a new generation yellow light laser that works by exposing an organic dye to a high beam of light, causing it to emit low-level radiation designed to destroy the targeted veins. It is highly effective for spider veins, facial redness, and rosacea. It emits a powerful light at a steady wavelength.
The only aspect that changes is the light pulses’ duration and energy that focuses on vessels of various depths and sizes.
If the patient has multiple types of spider veins, we can use a combination of these two laser-based treatments for optimum results.
Another treatment modality is the Starlux Intense Pulsed Light. It works by using a concentrated band of light in the yellow and green spectrum that destroys the affected vessels without causing any harm to the surrounding healthy tissues.
What are the after-effects of treatments?
The skin will generally present redness and mild to moderate inflammation for a few days following Facial Spider Vein Removal Treatment. Larger areas that were treated can turn purplish but will rarely last more than a week. There are also rare instances where a slight whitish discoloration or crust can develop over the treated area for a few days.
Procedures are usually well-tolerated and require minimal downtime so that you can resume your normal activities very quickly. You may use makeup but only after a few days following the treatment. Repeated Facial Spider Vein Removal treatments may be advised to achieve the optimum results.
Are injection treatments used on leg veins possible for facial veins?
The preferred approach to unsightly leg veins is generally injection treatments as laser therapy may be too painful and /or costly; permanent discolorations at the treatment site could also be a concern.
In the few instances that large vessels are found on the face, injection treatments may irritate and close the vessels. Multiple injections may be required and can be done in the office quickly.